We have a simple membership scheme, which runs from January to December:
The joining cost is £10, with an annual membership fee of £20, making an initial payment of £30. For Juniors (under 18 as of 1st Jan), there is only an annual fee of £10.
A membership application form can be downloaded here:- Application Form. Once completed, it can be handed direct to a Club Committee Member at either of our Club Nights on a Wednesday or Saturday, or scanned and emailed. Instructions regarding payment of the fee are detailed on the form.
As a club we are affiliated to England Squash, but membership to ES is paid per individual which entitles members to take part in competitions and gain other benefits. Thus, there is an optional box on the application form that should be ticked if you wish to be registered. For more information, go to: www.englandsquash.com. Once Hart Squash has processed your Membership form, you will need to activate your membership on the ESR website.
Should you wish to play in our internal leagues, you will also need to join the Aldershot Garrison Sports Centre in order to obtain a membership number to book courts. The “Associate” Pay as You Go membership costs just £20.00 per annum. For more information see the web site: www.aspiredefence.co.uk or enquire at their Reception desk.
Please contact us if you have any queries, or require further information.